A lot of people ask me: What is it like to be a freegan? And I would have to say, I really don't know. I am not a true freegan, though I do believe in many of the principles of freeganism. For me, getting things for free is not only a matter of principle but of necessity. And now that I have tasted the sweet freegan life, I don't think I can ever go back.
According to wikipedia, Freeganism is an anti-consumerist lifestyle whereby people employ alternative living strategies based on "limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources."
And this is from an article called "How Freegans Work":
Freegans are Dumpster divers who rescue furniture, clothes, household items and even food cast off by others. Freegans aren't homeless; in fact, most could easily afford to buy their own food. They've instead chosen to live what they believe is an ethical, unadulterated lifestyle and disassociate themselves from capitalism and consumerism.
The word freegan is a combination of "free" -- as in it's free because you found it in a dumpster -- and vegan "one who abstains from all animal products." Not all freegans are strict vegans or vegetarians, however. Some would rather eat found meat, dairy and eggs than let food go to waste.
For us here at the Alamo, we rescue food, furniture, bikes, granny carts, books, and other household items from dumpsters, curbsides, and off craigslist free listings. All these things we reuse and recycle. Some of it we even sell back into the free market! Crazy, huh?
Personally, I don't even know how much I have saved by not buying groceries for the past four months--perhaps hundreds of dollars. And I believe that there is really no point in buying things when there is perfectly good stuff sitting right there in the dumpsters just waiting to sit an a landfill forever.
With all the waste that Americans produce, I see freeganism as a great way to make a tiny dent in the massive mess we are getting ourselves into for the environment. It's also a great way to save money on things you would normally have to buy. And now you can use that money to do cooler things like travel or go see a play, or something.
I'm not as hardcore as some of the freegans I've met, but it's been a dream of mine ever since I first heard the word and read the wiki-article about four years ago, to dig through trash. And now, my dreams have come true. Thanks New York!
yea, i've saved a few grannies in my day. am i a freegan? i do have some tendencies i guess, especially the disassociation of capitalism.